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Before and After

Breast Reduction & Lift


15 years


5 ‘ 4″


150 lb

Postoperative Time

3 months

This patient had chronic discomfort and postural changes related to breast weight, and social and emotional distress related to large breast size. She was counseled on the benefits of early intervention with surgery to improve these concerns. A superomedial breast reduction and lift were performed to address the size and location of her breast tissue and a more optimized breast shape and contour was achieved. Preoperative breast size: 34DD. From the right breast, 746 grams of breast tissue were removed, and 756 grams from the left.

Breast Reduction & Lift


27 years


5 ‘ 7 “


207 lb

Postoperative Time

1 year

This patient suffered from chronic back and neck pain secondary to large breast tissue. A superomedial breast reduction and lift were performed to alleviate her discomfort and to achieve an optimal breast aesthetic. Preoperative Breast size: 40 DD. 1015 grams of breast tissue were removed on the right and 975 grams on the left.

Breast Reduction & Lift


27 years


5 ‘ 2″


135 lb

Postoperative Time

8 months

This patient suffered from chronic back and neck pain secondary to large breast tissue. A superomedial breast reduction and lift were performed to alleviate her discomfort and to achieve an optimal breast aesthetic. Preoperative Breast size: 32 FF. 700 grams of breast tissue were removed on the right and 770 grams on the left.

Breast Reduction CB


26 years


5 ‘


123 lb

Postoperative Time

6 months

This patient suffered from chronic back and neck pain secondary to large breast tissue. A superomedial breast reduction and lift were performed to alleviate her discomfort and to achieve an optimal breast aesthetic. Preoperative Breast size: DD. 216 grams of breast tissue were removed on the right and 208 grams on the left.

Liposuction Body Contouring | Breast Reduction & Lift | Fat Transfer to Bra Strap


33 years


5′ 3″


173 lb

Postoperative Time

1 year

This patient desired a smaller, more elevated breast shape and position. A superomedial breast reduction and lift were performed to address her concerns and to achieve an elegant breast aesthetic. 15 cc of fat was reinjected into her bra strap to improve the indentation. Preoperative Breast size: DD. 181 grams of breast tissue were removed on the right and 261 grams on the left.